Alana goes home, 18/07/16

It was back Piek Snaeng Chas to teach early this morning. We split the younger group between all of us today so we had 3 groups with Alana and Garrett taking one group, Philippa taking the other and Chloe and I taking the 3rd. The older ones then joined later when they arrived.

Today’s topic was to concentrate on teaching ‘how are you?’ and the replies. It is difficult, especially for the little ones to recognise the difference between the question and the answer, so properly understanding rather than just repeating is what we are working on.

10 minutes before the end, we all gathered into one big circle and played a game of duck duck goose. However, this game was slightly different as we changed it to ‘no no yes’ to teach them English, so that it would be more useful than duck and goose.We all had a lot of fun running around playing this and by the end of the session were very tired!

We left the school at 10am for a rest and then went down to Pub Street to find a place to eat later on. We found a little restaurant down one of the lanes called The Sanctuary which had very good food.

Following lunch we then went to the Blue Pumpkin to have an ice cream and finish planning our lesson for the afternoon.

After a rest until 3:30, we left Alana at the presbytery to finish packing and went to teach at the student centre. For the previous week we’ve been teaching the uni students however today we taught the children who come for extra English lessons after school. To begin the session we gave them sentences that didn’t make much sense and asked them to fix them so that they did. We also then split them up into groups to play a variation of bingo which teaches the words and later to also make those words into sentences. This worked really well and everyone had  a lot of fun while playing.

Towards the end of the hour we played a game called ‘who do you love?’.This game is good as it teaches the studens to listen and respond as well as new language.

At 6:30 it was a rush back to the presbytery to have a slice of pizza and pick up Alana to take her to the airport as she is leaving before the rest of us to get back home for other commitments. It was weird going to the airport and then leaving again straight away without actually going anywhere ans leaving only one person behind.

As we were all pretty hungry after dropping Alana, we went to dinner in Pub Street before heading to bed.

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